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See the full video on how to register & use the Fresh Miles app
FreshMiles Secrets - Consumer
FreshMiles Secrets – for Consumers
- Fresh Miles is super simple . . . yet sophisticated behind the scenes.
- The only requirement to use this process is a functioning odometer and a smartphone running FreshMiles.
- We use a banking grade multi-factor security system to verify data and to keep your data safe (in the app you see Sekur.me)
- The registration process uses a PIN which you choose yourself
- Register each vehicle to be tracked. The vehicle ID (VIN) is easy to find on your insurance card or vehicle registration.
- Entering an odometer recording is easy. Snap a picture of a particular VIN’s odometer, enter what you see, and then verify by using your PIN to certify
- The system will remind users to update their odometer reads
That’s FreshMiles!
FreshMiles Secrets - Agent/Carrier
FreshMiles Secrets – Agents and Carriers
- Fresh Miles is super simple . . .yet sophisticated behind the scenes.
- Free to consumers, and priced at pennies per VIN per month for those needing odometer data for transacting business with consumers.
- The only requirement to use this process is a functioning odometer and a smartphone running FreshMiles
- We use a banking grade multi-factor security system (called Sekur.me inside the app) to verify data and keep it safe
- There is a registration process using a PIN authentication layer. The user picks their own PIN during registration
- Users snap a picture of their VIN and then enter what they see on their picture to register each vehicle to be tracked (many only have one VIN, some have two or more, a nickname process makes it easy)
- There is a valid VIN checking algorithm. It assigns make and year and ensures data quality. Only a valid VIN is permitted, otherwise the app will not proceed
- Quality audits are conducted in several processes, but if you type in something wrong but still valid, it will be harder to match to a VIN on a policy.
- When entering an odometer recording, a user snaps a picture of a particular VIN’s odometer and then verifies and uses their PIN to certify
- After an authenticated transaction is completed, a copy of the picture, reading, and meta data is stored on the server
- Repeated observations help to establish a smoothed estimate of current use for forecasting mile band placement (baseline process is day 1, 30, 60, 90 days, and the refresh process is every 90 days) but monthly reads make it simple to stay current
- Recent actual readings give current use data for exact billing information
- The banking layer is an option for agents and carriers to use to reduce the cycle time drift of actual vs estimated mile band assignment and charging
- The app will be available with a branded feature for carriers and agents
- The data is resident on the phone as well as our servers
- Consumers will be able to use their data to shop for mileage programs
- Carriers and agents can get easily fulfilled compliance requirements through the app for current customers
- If a consumer becomes noncompliant, these carriers already have a process to move them into the default mileage estimate
- The system will remind users to update their odometer reads on a schedule
- Carriers and agents can get fresh data on demand for consumers wanting a quote with data in the server
- Consumers who are just replacing an old car with a new car, can pass their use data into their new car rating process.
That’s FreshMiles – Consumer, Agent/Broker, Carrier
Odometer Fraud
There are concerns that odometer fraud could become a significant problem with Per- Mile Pricing. There are several ways to make odometers under-record (see Appendix 4), but most can be identified during odometer audits and crash investigations. Vehicle manufactures produce increasingly tamper-resistant odometers since leasing, warranty transactions and used vehicle sales are based on mileage readings. Government agencies are also interested in odometer accuracy for legal and safety reasons, resulting in policies to discourage such fraud, including the 1986 Truth in Mileage Act (US Public Law 99- 576), which establishes odometer disclosure procedures and enforcement standards.
Regular auditing and checking for signs of fraud during crash inspection can identify most types of tampering. For this reason, the Independent Used Car Dealers have asked that odometer readings be recorded during vehicle registrations.
Evidence of tampering would void insurance. This would discourage odometer fraud and reduce insurers’ financial exposure when fraud occurs.
Annual odometer audits would leave a record in the vehicle registration database that would indicate discrepancies, making tampering easy to spot. This should virtually eliminate odometer fraud by vehicle dealers, resulting in an overall reduction in total odometer fraud
How Many Vehicles do Most People have?
Stay Fresh 1, 2, 3 or more times per household
According to government statistics
Vehicles per household in 2012
none 9%
one 33%
two 37%
more than two 19%
Household vehicle ownership shows a dramatic increase from 1960 to 1990. In 1960, nearly 79% of households owned less than two vehicles; by 1990, it declined to 45%. Census data prior to 1990 indicated that the majority of households owned one vehicle; in 1990 that changed to two vehicles. Since 2000, less than 10% of households had no vehicles. The American Community Survey now collects these data on an annual basis, thus 2011 and 2012 data are available.
U. S. Department of Transportation, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Journey-to-Work Trends in the United States and its Major Metropolitan Area, 1960–1990,
Cambridge, MA, 1994, p. 2-2.
2000 data – U.S. Bureau of the Census, American Fact Finder, factfinder.census.gov, Table QT-04, August 2001. (Additional resources: www.census.gov)
2010-2012 data – U.S. Bureau of the Census, American Community Survey, Table CP04, 2012.
For Analysts and Actuaries
VIN Verification
Your VIN is unique – and only an EXACT entry will permit you to proceed in FreshMiles
We use manufacturing numbering standards to verify you enter a real VIN.
In the 17 character Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), the ninth digit is always a check digit. It is a computer systems trick to verify the string of characters belong together in a unique naming scheme. A series of calculations balances to obtain the correct check digit, which allows computers to tell immediately if there is an error in the VIN.